Suicide rates are up. Depression is rampant. Even those without catastrophic losses must pass debris, trailers, emptied blocks, National Guard troops daily and explain to people who lost everything they ever owned and knew, and possibly parents and grandparents, that you just lost a few shingles and have weeds in your yard you do not recognize. It's been 10 months of mental strain and emotional fatigue and it is nowhere near over yet. Plans are being planned on.
Still. Money is com
ing, not here but coming and in time for hurricane season, a time in which few people are going to completely rebuild their lives. The article below was hard for me to read, is harder for me to live and hardest to try to sum up here. I am
thisclose to buying a pack of cigarettes and trying the lunchtime margarita. Today.
A Legacy of the Storm: Depression and Suicidetag: New Orleans, post-Katrina, National Guard, suicide, depression, crime
Package of cigarettes, lunchtime margarita -- you mean you've made it this long without? You are strong!!!
I tried a cigarette -- it was disgusting. Too bad -- I have fond memories (or nicotine dependency memories).
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