The "recovery" continues

Yes, duct tape on an operating traffic light. Been like that a few weeks. Probably be like that another few weeks.
from Mister's Words and Pictures
at which a mad black woman rants about New Orleans, insomnia, teaching, various -isms and anything else involving a bitch, a spot or the letter g
"Only _a foolish, overconfident rapist_ (head: rapist; subject; a: indefinite article D) would enter _the room of his victim_ (head: room, direct object; embedded NP _his victim_, head: victim, object of a preposition; the: definite article D, his: possessive pronoun D), not knowing if _she_ (embedded NP; subject) would shout or scream," _he_ (subject) said.
_He_ (subject) also said he found _the woman's actions_ (head: actions; direct object; the: definite article D) inconsistent with those of _a real rape victim_ (head: victim; object of preposition; a: indefinite article D).
_She_ (subject) didn't call _anyone_ (direct object) after _the alleged attack_ (head: attack; object of preposition; the: definite article D), _he_ (subject) said
_She_ (subject) didn't shower.
And _van der Merwe_ (subject) said _he_ (subject) didn't believe _her account_ (head: account; direct object; her: possessive pronoun D) that _she_ (subject of relative clause) "froze" when _she_ (subject) discovered _Zuma_ (direct object) assaulting _her_ (indirect object--I think).
So he wants to try.
You have 5 absences. You are allowed 2 for the session. There is nothing you can make up; I do not take late homework or allow makeups of in-class work. You've turned in nothing, including an Essay 2, so I have no way to judge whether or not it is possible for you to earn any particular grade. Absences alone will lead to an F. You would have to submit all perfect work which is unlikely.
It is up to you.
Tags: New Orleans,
Ray Nagin , ray nagin
The Corps has eluded the public's outrage - even though a useless Corps shipping canal intensified Katrina's surge, even though poorly designed Corps floodwalls collapsed just a few feet from an unnecessary $750 million Corps navigation, even though the Corps had promoted development in dangerously low-lying New Orleans floodplains and had helped destroy the vast marshes that once provided the city's natural flood protection.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's failures didn't inundate a city, kill 1,000 residents and inflict $100 billion in damages. Yet FEMA is justifiably disgraced, while Congress keeps giving the Corps more money and more power. A new 185-point Senate report on what went wrong during Katrina waits until point No. 65 to mention the Corps "design and construction deficiencies" that left New Orleans underwater. Meanwhile, a new multibillion-dollar potpourri of Corps projects is nearing approval on Capitol Hill. [The Salt Lake Tribune. Yes, in Utah.]
Instead of borrowing the money at 4 percent, as is typical for a municipal deal of this size, the city likely will pay interest of around 6 percent, [Peter] Kessenich [the city’s long-term financial adviser and managing director of Public Financial Management Inc. in Atlanta] said. Again, he said the city can’t obtain a lower rate because its credit rating was downgraded to junk-bond status in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
The interest rate could have been as high as 7.25 percent, but the banks agreed to lower it in exchange for the higher upfront fees, Kessinich said. The banking executive said the lower interest rate will not come close to offsetting the increase in fees.
Nagin declined to discuss details of the deal when he announced it on Monday...
When asked if he had a signed deal, Nagin said, “They’re working on the final paperwork right now. But this deal is done.”
"Only a foolish, overconfident rapist would enter the room of his victim, not knowing if she would shout or scream," he said.
He also said he found the woman's actions inconsistent with those of a real rape victim.
She didn't call anyone after the alleged attack, he said
She didn't shower.
And van der Merwe said he didn't believe her account that she "froze" when she discovered Zuma assaulting her.
Do you work at a community college or high school? Are they full time students taking a full load of classes and or working, too? Maybe, since so many students were unclear about the assignment, you ought to have them repeat it back to you before leaving the room (seems to work better to get the attention of my 7th grader!). Also, the very act of writing is complicated and difficult. Do your students have a "learning center" at which to get help for their questions when you're not available?
As they help now to write their team's final report, Rogers and Bea say the bottom line of all the research tells them that neither side of the 17th Street Canal floodwall was properly designed to withstand the force of rising water and that both were built on equally unreliable swampy soils, including a layer of something Bea likens to "black toothpaste," the consistency of axle grease.
"A portion of the wall on the Jefferson Parish side, across the canal from the breach, is leaning, bowed out toward the land -- about one foot," Rogers said. "That might not be of concern if not for the fact that it is directly opposite the 17th Street Canal breach . . . and our drilling has confirmed similar foundation conditions."
[Reed] Mosher [a member of the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task force investigating the levee system failures] said he would also be looking to see if a gap had formed on the west side, a failure dynamic that figured prominently in a task force report issued six weeks ago.
In it, the interagency team said sophisticated computer models showed that the east floodwall came down in a four-step process that started when pressure from rising water began to push, or deflect, the concrete floodwall and its subsurface steel sheet piling supports away from the canal and toward doomed Lakeview.
That deflection created a gap between the wall and the levee on the canal side, a separation that extended the entire length of the sheet pile wall to 17 1/2 feet below sea level.
Water quickly rushed into the opening, creating a channel that separated the floodwall from the levee and allowed high water pressure a straight shot down to the soil beneath the wall.
Design flaws. Not really category 3 protection though they called it that.
The daily news.This is an issue on which we can completely ignore any assertion that life begins at fertilization (which I personally find absurd), because it's irrelevant: fertilization doesn't take place. No zygote, no fetus, no embryo, no babies. The claim that this argument is about the life of a baby is null and void, and the opposition to Plan B makes it glaringly, brilliantly clear that this isn't about the sanctity of life at all: it's all about controlling a woman's ovaries. She will not be allowed to tamper with the timing of ovulation.
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