It's Okay to Be Squeezed (So Smile)
But it's really not all bad:
Firefighters who want to live in high-priced cities can work two jobs, said W. Michael Cox, chief economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. “I think it’s great,” he said. “It gives you portfolio diversification in your income.” Pay for essential workers like plumbers and cabdrivers will tend to go up, he said.Two jobs to get by = "portfolio diversification in your income"--did he think it was a Daily Show interview?
Though cities can certainly get by dominated by haves and never-gonna-haves and the middle class that teach in clasrooms, arrest rapists, put out fires and hold your hand while the

With a dwindling middle class, rich and poor become more separate. Alan Berube, an author of the Brookings study, said a two-tiered marketplace can develop: Whole Foods for the upper classes, bodegas for the lower, with no competition from stores courting the middle. “If the two models are check cashers on the one hand and major national financial institutions on the other, who’s thinking about how to hold down costs for the basic consumer?” he asked.New Orleans is following and will follow the trend. Some of the middle class are selling high and getting the fuck out. The exodus will stop by summer's end. The weekend Times-Pic story about the 20-somethings settling in NO or sticking with it, those who have no children and/or the 5+ years it'll take, it seems, to pull things together is great for the city and those people; when you're 40 or just over, or in your 60s or older . . . the thoughts come slowly, with guilt and pain. Decisions, though, must be made.
Enjoy reading your blog. This week I've noticed a few homeless people sleeping or just exhausted from the heat on benches. Those with little money have few choices in making decisions.
Remember when some woman told W that she was working 3 jobs, and chimpy talked about how great that was, only in Amerikkka, blah blah blah.
These guys have never *worked* a day in their lives. Never had to worry about making a house payment.
Portfolio diversification my ass.
Only someone who's never worked a day in his life would think working 3 jobs was "great."
I don't get here enough (need another 3 hours in my day, but who doesn't?), I am always glad when I do. Your writing and thoughts always hit the critical issues right on the head. Thanks for giving voice to some many issues that don't get heard enough.
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