Kweshuns abeut Sillbish on

- everyday instead of every day
- several used instead of few or many (as in Several people go to my church or Several students go to college every year to earn degrees)
- apart instead of a part
- highschool instead of high school
- bias instead of biased (as in He was bias against our team)
- were mixed up with where (new this year)
- are for or (also new)
- alot
- woman and women used interchangeably (when they are used at all--see next item)
- females instead of women (as in Lots of females get abortions to skip out on their responsibilities)
- than used interchangeably with then
- conscience and conscious (as in He lost conscienceness immediately)
- lose and loose
- accept and except
- religious arguments made without once capitalizing he, his, god or the bible
- your and you're
- using NO apostrophes at all for 3+ pages
- break and brake
- perform and preform (as in There are doctors that preform abortions)
- study's and studies (if apostrophes are used at all)
trish reminded me of another common error: there, they're and their used interchangably. My students mostly use their for everything. As if a sentence like Their waiting for their luggage to get their makes any damn sense. I could just smack them.
How about 'there' used instead of they're or their?
My husband (an attorney) still usesd 'then' instead of 'than'. It drives me NUTS!
But here I am worrying about what I am saying for fear you will correct me! LOL
I fere I have to axt you were your going wiht this post.
Mebbe I should look up you're spelling in the lieberry. K THX BY.
(I have students who 'rite' this way.)
Here's one that messes with me: affect and effect. I have to look them up every time, but at least I know it and look them up!
tina, at least you look things up. i tell my students weaknesses are not the problem--doing nothing about them is.
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