Margaritas as Coping Strategy: Where I Live at

Evacuees' Lives Still Upended Seven Months After Hurricane
One expert says 17 named storms this coming hurricane season:
A Colorado State University hurricane expert is predicting 17 named storms for the upcoming 2006 hurricane season, higher than the number of storms he predicted at this time last year. ....Waste Management thinks it's doing just fine:
Orleans council scolds garbage haulerThe council has no power over this contract, of course.

Firm backs out of flooded car pact
Oh, they want the city to get a better deal? ??
Even 4-year olds scream, "I Hate FEMA!":
Wait for trailers drags on

Levees get less scrutiny than dams: Critics note disparity in corps' standards
It wasn’t Katrina, it was the levees, stupid.
When The Girl had to list at school what she lost in Katrina, she wrote, “My grandmother’s house, my doctor.” It nearly broke my heart b/c we are/were so damn lucky.
tag: New Orleans, FEMA, Army Corps of Engineers, flooding, Katrina, race, New Orleans levees, post-Katrina, evacuation
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